Our Apartments
Choose the desired apartment and find out its availability and additional information.
Choose the desired apartment and find out its availability and additional information.
For 4 people, on the ground floor, kitchen, bathroom, 1 double bed, children’s room with 2 beds, terrace with a sea view.
Air conditioning, WiFi, beach access, sea view, pets are not allowed.
The price is negotiable, the minimum length of stay is one week.
For 4 people, on the ground floor, kitchen, bathroom, 1 double bed, children’s room with 2 beds, terrace with a sea view.
Air conditioning, WiFi, beach access, sea view, pets are not allowed.
The price is negotiable, the minimum length of stay is one week.
For 2 people, on the ground floor, kitchen, bathroom, 1 double bed, terrace with a sea view.
Air conditioning, WiFi, beach access, sea view, pets are not allowed.
The price is negotiable, and the minimum length of stay is one week.
For 2 people, on the ground floor, kitchen, bathroom, 1 double bed, terrace with a sea view.
Air conditioning, WiFi, beach access, sea view, pets are not allowed.
The price is negotiable, and the minimum length of stay is one week.
For 4 people, on the first floor, kitchen with an oven and a microwave, bathroom, 2 large bedrooms with double beds, with a sea view.
Air conditioning, WiFi, beach access, sea view, pets are not allowed.
The price is negotiable, and the minimum length of stay is one week.
For 4 people, on the first floor, kitchen with an oven and a microwave, bathroom, 2 large bedrooms with double beds, with a sea view.
Air conditioning, WiFi, beach access, sea view, pets are not allowed.
The price is negotiable, and the minimum length of stay is one week.
For 5 people, on the ground floor, kitchen, bathroom, 2 double beds, and one children’s bed, terrace with a sea view.
Air conditioning, WiFi, beach access, sea view, pets are not allowed.
The price is negotiable, and the minimum length of stay is one week.
For 5 people, on the ground floor, kitchen, bathroom, 2 double beds, and one children’s bed, terrace with a sea view.
Air conditioning, WiFi, beach access, sea view, pets are not allowed.
The price is negotiable, and the minimum length of stay is one week.
For 3 people, on the first floor, kitchen, bathroom, 1 double bed, and 1 single bed, large terrace.
Air conditioning, WiFi, beach access, pets are not allowed.
The price is negotiable, and the minimum length of stay is one week.
For 3 people, on the first floor, kitchen, bathroom, 1 double bed, and 1 single bed, large terrace.
Air conditioning, WiFi, beach access, pets are not allowed.
The price is negotiable, and the minimum length of stay is one week.
Owner: Tihana Zarubica
Address: Čatare 26, Stara Novalja, otok Pag
GSM: +385917814077
GSM: +385919117131
EMail: Send email
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